Since the first season of 'Arrow' introduced 'Teen Wolf' star Colton Haynes as DC hero Roy Harper, fans have wondered when the CW drama would finally take the plunge and elevate another character to his comic destiny. As 'Arrow' heads into its midseason 2 finale with tomorrow's "Three Ghosts" however, has the time finally come? Find out in the first sneak peek from the hour!

While Grant Gustin's Barry Allen tends to Oliver after his battle with Brother Blood's Acolyte (cough, Solomon Grundy), Roy will come face to mask with the man himself after investigating the death of Sin ('The Killing' star Bex Taylor-Klaus)'s friend. The first sneak peek of "Three Ghosts" sees Roy investigating Brother Blood's offices, before having a disturbingly close encounter with super-powered villainy.

That said, could Roy Harper's ordeal be the crucible he needs to join Oliver in fighting crime on the streets of Starling City? Harper has been through a number of DC aliases in the comics, but it seems 'Arrow' may take a very unique route to put Harper back in the crime-fighting business. Says Haynes to FanVoice:

You’re going to see that Roy is going to be given, against his will, abilities that are going to make him extremely powerful...I can say, that Roy, like another character in the show that they show in the flashbacks, is going to have power and strength due to an injection.

...There is going to be a dark side that comes out of Roy due to what happens from what’s given to him from Brother Blood. It’s going to be a hard road for the Arrow to try to tame Roy even more than he already has.

We'll see for ourselves what surprises 'Arrow''s midseason finale "Three Ghosts" has in store for us tomorrow night, but in the meantime, check out a sneak peek of Roy's peril in the clip above, and give us your 'Arrow' predictions in the comments!

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