For those of you wondering what happened to our Pro Football Pick 'Em Contest, it is currently on hiatus due to a "difference of opinion" between the powers that be here at The Hawk and the Montana State Attorney General's Office.

Without going into detail, our friends in Helena have decided to protect you from yourself.  The way they see it, your desire to predict the outcome of a football game is not in your best interest.  Another classic example of our tax dollars at work.

To celebrate their prudent judgement,  we looked up a  website called and found some other statues that our pals at the Attorney General's Office might also want to enforce.  For example, it is a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail here in the Treasure State.  It is also against the law for any Montanan to escort an unchaperoned sheep in their truck.  And, if you ever witness an unmarried woman fishing alone, make sure to remind her that she is committing a crime.

Not to be outdone, the big city of Billings has a few incredibly stupid laws of their own.  Did you know it is illegal to keep a rat as a pet in the Magic City?  And don't you dare use speed dial to place a phone call from a city owned line.  And while bringing a rocket with you to the next City Council meeting is a clear violation of our municipal code, it's perfectly legal to play the Def Leppard song "Rocket" on your iPod.



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