Released by the Montana Department of Justice on December 13th, Formatted for clarity and added content by Josh Rath

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On December 13th, fifty-six new officers serving in 30 agencies across Montana graduated from the Montana Law enforcement Academy.

The Montana Law Enforcement Academy provides basic and advanced training for state, county, city, and tribal law enforcement officers throughout Montana.

Montana's Attorney General, Austin Knudsen, addressed the class and presented the new officers with their diplomas and awards.

As Attorney General, I’m committed to working with the graduates and their agencies to ensure they have the tools and resources needed to start turning the tide of the crime wave we’re facing. During my first two years in office, we made it a priority to get resources out of Helena and out to agencies around the state keep their communities safe and we will continue to do so in the upcoming legislative session.

If you'd like to watch the entire ceremony, click the button below (we're not able to embed it)

Congratulations to the following new officers across Montana:


Anaconda Deer Lodge CO LE 

Strutzel, Aric Helena Police Department Hamilton, Jacob 
Anaconda Deer Lodge CO LE Tellez-Giron, Adolfo Kalispell Police Department McEntyre, John 
Baker Police Department Nevers, Bryan Kalispell Police Department Miletich, Eric 
Belgrade Police Department Good, David Mitch Lewis & Clark CO Sheriff’s Office Tellez, Greg 
Belgrade Police Department Hughes, John McCone CO Sheriff’s Office Smidt, Jerrett 
Billings Police Department Proudfit, Devin Missoula Police Department Renaud, Ryan 
Billings Police Department Carlsen, Ethan Missoula Police Department Graham, Nico 
Billings Police Department Gullett, Cale Motor Carrier Services Robinson, Christopher 
Billings Police Department Hanes, Justin Motor Carrier Services Girdler, Benjamin 
Billings Police Department Larchick, Madison Motor Carrier Services Ishler, Kyle 
Blackfeet Law Enforcement Polk, Tristen Montana Highway Patrol Wiedenmeyer, Colter 
Blackfeet Law Enforcement Wild Gun, Brendon Montana Highway Patrol Wilson, Tanner 
Butte Silver Bow Law Enforcement Renouard, Jake Montana Highway Patrol Doyle, Conor 
Butte Silver Bow Law Enforcement Stewart, Nicole Montana Highway Patrol Gavrun, Amanda 
Butte Silver Bow Law 


Hash, Caleb 

Montana Highway Patrol Loehde, Sophia 
Butte Silver Bow Law Enforcement Hicks, Shon Montana Highway Patrol Giller, Uriah 
Butte Silver Bow Law Enforcement Kappes, Jackson Park CO Sheriff’s Office Rhodes, Creighton 
Cascade CO Sheriff’s Office Seder, Brandan Polson Police Department Peasley, Chance 
Conrad Police Department Gundlach, John Prairie CO Sheriff’s Office Grey Eagle, Jason 
Flathead CO Sheriff’s Office Weathersbee, Tyler Ravalli CO Sheriff’s Office Roderick, Charles 
Gallatin CO Sheriff’s Office Geary, Ian Red Lodge Police Department Shipp, Jeffery 
Gallatin CO Sheriff’s Office Hill, Gray Sheridan CO Sheriff’s Office Pickar, Michelle 
Gt. Falls Police Department Lugo, Dakota W. Yellowstone Police Department Griffel, Dallen 
Gt. Falls Police Department Hattan, Zach Wheatland CO Sheriff’s Office Karsten, Eric 
Havre Police Department O’Connell, Sean Whitefish Police Department Warricks, Jonathan 
Havre Police Department Easley, Buck Wolf Point Police Department Chavez, Ronaldo 
Helena Police Department McMillen, Zachary Yellowstone CO Sheriff’s 


Olson, Cameron 

Helena Police Department Smith, Timothy Yellowstone CO Sheriff’s 


Brainard, Jake 

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