This weekend, I attended a dinner party with several couples. One of those couples brought their newborn baby. Watching the women at the party fight to hold that infant was hysterical. It was a lot like watching hockey players pass around the Stanley Cup.

First, one woman at the party will always call "dibs" on holding the child. After she spends several minutes kissing, cooing and making funny faces at the infant, the next woman will swoop in and take the child. They will then take turns passing the child around, remarking on how cute the baby is, usually in "baby talk", and reminiscing about their own children or grandchildren.

Meanwhile, the poor child doesn't know what to think. The kid was being handled by more strangers than he's probably seen in his entire life. The baby probably feels like a celebrity being followed by the paparazzi. And the things that women say are crazy. I even heard one lady comment that she "loves the smell of a baby". Did she mean the smell of vomit and poo? Because that's what babies smell like.

I get it, the baby is cute. But he's not a trophy, he's a human being. If you're going to pass him around like you just won him in a contest, at least give the poor kid a break after a few hours. Of course, the child will usually find his own way back into his mother's arms. As soon as his diaper starts to stink, he will inevitably get handed back to mom.

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