5 Simple Home Projects While Staying at Home
Judging from this picture it looks like my project during the "stay at home" order, should be to refinish my deck. Maybe when we get our stimulus checks I can replace it altogether. Until then, it could use really use some stain.
We're giving away a $600 Home Depot gift card HERE because we know now might be a great time to work on stuff around the house while you are social distancing. Added bonus: if you have kids that are old enough to be helpful, enlist their help. While their labor might be crappy, it's free. And they owe you for all the extra food they're eating while there is no school. They could probably use a break from their iPads and YouTube and Snapchat and TikTok and what-not as well.
Here are some home projects that are not particularly expensive or difficult. Your typical, average, non-professional homeowner with basic tools and carpentry skills can handle most of these projects for under $600.
5 Simple Home Improvement Projects
Enter to win the $600 Home Depot gift card here and enjoy your social distancing responsibly. Stay updated on local Billings COVID-19 news and information on the free Hawk Mobile App. If you don't have it already, get it below.

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