Alert! Bad Winter Ahead.
Does anybody really believe the Old Farmers Almanac? I've seen reports of late that it's going to be a snow cold winter...So, I went to the almanac itself and this is what it actually says:
Winter will be warmer than normal, with slightly below-normal precipitation. The coldest periods will be in late November, mid- and late December, early and late January, and mid-February. Snowfall will be below normal in the east and above normal in the west, with the snowiest periods in mid- and late December, late January, and late March. April and May will be warmer and slightly rainier than normal. Summer will be hotter and drier than normal, with the hottest periods in mid- and late June, mid-July, and early to mid-August. September and October will have near-normal temperatures and precipitation."
After reading that, I feel like an Old Farmer! Sounds like just about every winter in Montana.