Former MetraPark GM Honored With “Bill Dutcher Way” at Fairground
Tonight, on August 10th, 2023... the night before the official kickoff of MontanaFair... MetraPark has announced a special dedication ceremony to honor the former General Manager of MetraPark.

Bill Dutcher Way
On Monday, August 14th at 10:30 AM, MetraPark invites one and all to the special dedication ceremony of Bill Dutcher Way.
The ceremony will be held on the northwest lawn, near the First Interstate Arena.
(Map is an approximation)
According to MetraPark, this event is a special tribute to reflect on the enduring legacy of William (Bill) Dutcher, whose leadership, service, and caring nature have made a significant impact in our community.
Bill worked at MetraPark for 40 years and served as General Manager for 15 years.
If you've been to MontanaFair or MetraPark events, Bill Dutcher was a name you got to know. Over his many dedicated years to MetraPark and MontanaFair, he worked tirelessly to create the thing we know and love today.
Where Is Bill Dutcher Way?
MetraPark says Bill Dutcher Way will be located in "the heart of the fairgrounds", and will serve as a daily reminder of Bill's unwavering commitment to our community, and Montana's Event Center.
With this token of appreciation, his legacy of leadership at MontanaFair and MetraPark will live on for generations to come.
Check out our gallery from last year at MontanaFair below.
What Are Your Thoughts?
Will you attend the dedication on Monday? Should we try and find Bill on Monday, and catch up like the old days? Let us know on App Chat or on Facebook.
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