The other day in browsing TikTok, I came across a video highlighting something I have NEVER considered doing. Buying, and using, "reusable toilet paper". The thought to me gives me the chills... but maybe I am wrong for thinking that? Check out #6 in the video below.


@justicebuys The last one is my fav 🙌🏼🎉 #gadgets #home #kitchen #amazonmusthaves #amazonfinds #productreview #products ♬ Made You Look - Meghan Trainor

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Everything is too expensive

With the prices of things right now, I can understand how people are trying to find better deals and ways to save money. For example, looking at TP at Walmart and Albertsons, you can get a 6-pack of "Mega" rolls from the national brand Quilted Northern for $7 at Walmart, or the same 6-pack for $9.49 at Albertsons.

For a single guy like me, that price isn't TOO steep. Considering a 6 pack can easily last me a month at my place, but for a family, that isn't going to go too far.

What about a bidet?

In recent years, bidets have become more popular, with many companies coming out with retrofit kits for your existing toilets. Certainly, an option, though unless you spend a nice chunk of cash, you're getting one that simply shoots ice-cold water at your rear end... and that just doesn't sound pleasant to me. Especially on a cold winter day.

Enter Reusable TP

Looking on Amazon at the options, the first one is called "Marley's Monsters Toilet Unpaper". A 24-count roll of reusable toilet wipes, in a lovely range of colors. They recommend you simply use, and "collect the dirties in a bin or wet bag". Though, in looking through a few other options, they all recommend a bidet... and using these as the final pass. Which, makes more sense.

Would you use reusable toilet paper? Do you have a bidet? Let us know on App Chat or on Facebook!

Five Montana Lakes Worth the Drive

Need a place to cool off this summer? Here are five Montana lakes that are worth the drive.

The Antler Man Of Montana - With Over 16,0000 Sheds And Counting

Visit this amazing display of antlers from across Montana and the United States. Jim has collected for over 50 years and the collection has continued to grow.

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