Gross or Green? Would Billings Use “Reusable” Toilet Paper?
The other day in browsing TikTok, I came across a video highlighting something I have NEVER considered doing. Buying, and using, "reusable toilet paper". The thought to me gives me the chills... but maybe I am wrong for thinking that? Check out #6 in the video below.
@justicebuys The last one is my fav 🙌🏼🎉 #gadgets #home #kitchen #amazonmusthaves #amazonfinds #productreview #products ♬ Made You Look - Meghan Trainor
Everything is too expensive
With the prices of things right now, I can understand how people are trying to find better deals and ways to save money. For example, looking at TP at Walmart and Albertsons, you can get a 6-pack of "Mega" rolls from the national brand Quilted Northern for $7 at Walmart, or the same 6-pack for $9.49 at Albertsons.
For a single guy like me, that price isn't TOO steep. Considering a 6 pack can easily last me a month at my place, but for a family, that isn't going to go too far.
What about a bidet?
In recent years, bidets have become more popular, with many companies coming out with retrofit kits for your existing toilets. Certainly, an option, though unless you spend a nice chunk of cash, you're getting one that simply shoots ice-cold water at your rear end... and that just doesn't sound pleasant to me. Especially on a cold winter day.
Enter Reusable TP
Looking on Amazon at the options, the first one is called "Marley's Monsters Toilet Unpaper". A 24-count roll of reusable toilet wipes, in a lovely range of colors. They recommend you simply use, and "collect the dirties in a bin or wet bag". Though, in looking through a few other options, they all recommend a bidet... and using these as the final pass. Which, makes more sense.
Would you use reusable toilet paper? Do you have a bidet? Let us know on App Chat or on Facebook!