Billings and Kalispell Teams, Hospitals Unite to Stop the Stigma
Two teams, two towns, and two hospitals are coming together to "stop the stigma" and to support suicide prevention efforts here in Montana.
Billings and Kalispell, Montana both serve as hosts to a couple of great baseball stadiums. I've visited both ballparks in the past week and a half. Dehler Park in Billings has the rims in the backdrop, and the Glacier Range Riders stadium in Kalispell- wow. The range, the mountains, and the pine trees in the background are hard to beat. You would enjoy just sitting in the Range Riders' Glacier Bank Park stadium- even if a baseball game wasn't taking place.
I ran into Chris Kelly, the President of the Glacier Range Riders ballpark. He told me about this big event coming up where they are hoping to shine a spotlight on the topic of suicide here in Montana.
On Tuesday, August 27th, the Glacier Range Riders play the Billings Mustangs in Kalispell. Chris Kelly tells me that both teams, and hospitals from both towns will join efforts to highlight suicide prevention efforts.
According to a press release from Logan Health, "Our best chance at stopping suicide is to stop the stigma...Logan Health is teaming up with the Glacier Range Riders to raise awareness and support for suicide prevention resources in Flathead Valley. For the past 40 years, Montana has had one of the highest suicide rates in the country. Let's come together to create a community where no one battles alone. Learn more about suicide prevention and how you can reach out to someone in need at Logan.org/LetsTalk"
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