Social distancing is our new norm for the moment.  Montana FWP jumped on the social distancing reminders this week with this awesome info-graph guideline on their Twitter account. "Fishtancing", if you will.

While national parks like Yellowstone and Glacier are closed, Governor Bullock encouraged Montanan's to get out and enjoy our great outdoors on state and public federal lands during the "stay at home" order. Just do it responsibly. As in, four trout apart from each other. 75 people gathered at a trail head is not cool. You and your family walking down a trail is okay.

If you're out fishing on a stream or lake, Montana FW&P says stay at least four trout away from your fishing neighbor. Maybe five trout, depending on your fishing skills. This is generally good advice, as I'm pretty sure if some stranger-angler tried getting within six feet of my fishing space there would be a problem, regardless of the coronavirus pandemic.

One positive result of this social distancing thing is that tons of people are getting outside more often. Dogs have never been walked more. Bicycles that have had flat tires for years are getting ridden again. More people are utilizing our parks and trail systems. All good things. See you at the river... one paddlefish apart.

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