With what happened earlier this summer still on peoples' minds, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has taken proactive measures to relocate a grizzly bear.
I was out checking on the Christmas lights this morning on my house. I must say it is pretty fancy: One string across my gutter line. I'm it's sure stunning to most of my neighbors! Then, I came across these footprints in the snow. Being a well Montana trained hunter, I knew exactly what it was...
Do you like cats, dogs, birds? Everyone has their favorite. We have young nieces and nephews come over to the house all the time. They love our birds in the cage. They want to talk to them, feed them and visit with them. I don't have the heart to tell them that they are fake birds...
What is a Service dog? Or Therapy dog? Or Emotional Support dog. I saw a news story out of Bozeman where a woman won $37,000 in a discrimination case. She had a service dog and alleged her landlord was charging her more rent because of it...
This sweet girl is looking for a new home. Very smart and very soft.
Find out all about Sylvia the kitty in the video. Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter has their Spay and Neuter Clinic comping up in April. The Video has all the details...
Has your furry friend been spayed or neutered? It's important. Not telling you anything you don't know. Over population, and so on...
The low cost spay and neuter clinic is coming up next month at the Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter...