
Another Epic Black Rifle Coffee Company Video
Another Epic Black Rifle Coffee Company Video
Another Epic Black Rifle Coffee Company Video
It starts off with thermal black and white imagery of a tactical team fast-roping into the Bass Pro Shop location. Once Mat Best and his team secure the target- the Black Rifle Coffee- the lights go on, and the battle royale ensues. I think for this one, the kids playing the roles of the rabid hound dogs definitely stole the show.
Coffee Can Prevent The Quarantine Weight Gain
Coffee Can Prevent The Quarantine Weight Gain
Coffee Can Prevent The Quarantine Weight Gain
Sometimes we read things that should be accepted without question, and this could be one of those times. Drinking up to four cups of coffee per day can keep the lockdown pounds off. Fantastic! This is some news we can use.
Billings and its Caffeine Habits
Billings and its Caffeine Habits
Billings and its Caffeine Habits
Montana state loves it's coffee, so much that we are willing to shell out six to seven bucks to get our caffeine fix. Some cities in America, however, turn that their love of coffee into a frightening obsession. According to a new study, the cities that love their coffee the most per capita are Miami Beach, Fla...
Pot-infused coffee
Pot-infused coffee
Pot-infused coffee
The little "K-Cups", as they are known, have caught a lot of criticism for being bad for the environment. Well, they are going green, but not in the way that will make the tree huggers happy. If you're ever in Seattle, stop by Uncle Ike's Pot Shop to get a K-Cup infused with 10mg of THC...
Wait, I Can Buy HOW Much Heroine With $20?
Wait, I Can Buy HOW Much Heroine With $20?
Wait, I Can Buy HOW Much Heroine With $20?
The Interwebs are full of wisdom. Seriously, have you ever gotten lost in the never-ending maze that is I once started reading about the mythos surround the character 'Cthulhu' created by H.P. Lovecraft, an hour and several links clicked later I'm suddenly reading about 17th Century French politics...
Starbucks Releases Their Most Expensive Cup Of Coffee Ever
Starbucks Releases Their Most Expensive Cup Of Coffee Ever
Starbucks Releases Their Most Expensive Cup Of Coffee Ever
Ever heard the expression "that and a dime will get you a cup of coffee"? Well, not that long ago a cup of coffee did cost a dime. (And you can still get a cup for well less than a dollar in many places.) Of course, Starbucks began blowing the lid off the coffee price structure about 15 years ago. Now the average latte at the ubiquitous chain costs around four bucks. And if java lovers w