
UPDATE: Not An Explosive Device, No Explosion
UPDATE: Not An Explosive Device, No Explosion
UPDATE: Not An Explosive Device, No Explosion
An improvised explosive device was detonated this morning at a Helena School. Multiple news sources, including Helena NBC affiliate KECI, are reporting that the device exploded this morning at Rossiter Elementary and no one was injured.
Fireworks in South Billings
Fireworks in South Billings
Fireworks in South Billings
A South Billings garage wasn’t under attack on Tuesday, but it may have sounded like it. Flames broke out in the garage at 41 Monroe Street after a battery ignited gasoline fumes on the floor, according to the Billings Fire Department...
Funny Car Has a Not-So-Funny Explosion
Funny Car Has a Not-So-Funny Explosion
Funny Car Has a Not-So-Funny Explosion
YouTube George Carlin once joked that the only reason he watched auto racing was for the accidents, he “wanted to see some cars on fire”. Funny because it’s true. However, when they are as serious looking as this one, there isn’t much to laugh about.
Inventor Blows Roof Off Home Trying To Brew Vodka
Inventor Blows Roof Off Home Trying To Brew Vodka
Inventor Blows Roof Off Home Trying To Brew Vodka
We’ve heard of basement beer brewing and home wine making but never experiments involving the creation of a bootleg vodka. Maybe because the whole process could be damn dangerous in the hands of amateurs. The Daily Mail explains how an inventor in a South Wales village blew the roof off of his home while messing with his vodka distilling equipment. “Law ...
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Cars are far less likely to explode in real life than they are in the movies. But when they do, you certainly don’t want your face anywhere close to the dramatic combustion. The firefighter in this video had no choice on the matter, as he was trying to douse an already flaming car when it exploded right under his chin. Yet through some combination of testicular fortitude and confidence in his flam