This is pure insanity. Contestants rig a pile of explosives on the end of a sledgehammer. Then they smash them on the ground. Effectively blowing everything within 5 or 10 feet into a cloud of dust.
It really hit home. As the father of four wonderful kids between the ages of 19 and 26, I could hardly handle it -- and I consider myself emotionally strong.
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Scary as hell right? But what if marriage had a leasing option? Try it out for a few years to see if it’s worth all the trouble. Mexico is considering the idea.
Think back to the joy you experienced in your childhood after digging in the ground and finding a small little treasure, even if it was just a malformed rock.
Researchers at Mexico's National University are feeling that glee on a much larger scale now that they've discovered an 1,800-year-old tunnel underneath the pre-Hispanic city of Teotihuacan.