Have you heard about the new Beetlejuice movie coming out soon? For those who don't know, Michael Keaton has had a home near Big Timber, Montana for several years. That, along with the fact that Beetlejuice was such a big hit when I was a kid, is partly why this story from The Daily Wire caught my eye.
Now that we are getting into the Christmas movie season on TV, I started reminiscing on when I first watched Home Alone at the movie theatre in Billings, Montana. Back then, as a kid in Glasgow, Montana- if you wanted to watch the big, new movie you'd have to wait for a month or so for it to show up in your local small town theatre.
Billings-born artist Bud Luckey was the fifth animator hired by Pixar when the company was founded in the late 80s. His contribution to Toy Story likely helped make the movie franchise a phenomenal success.
Montana is no stranger to movies and television, but did you know that Glacier National Park plays a part in one of the most iconic movies of all time?
Everyone I've talked to who has watched this movie, which is based on a true story, is highly recommending this film- especially considering the human trafficking operatives that we know are transiting through Montana. And especially considering the drug cartels operating in Montana right now.