Taco Bell

Would You Punch a Chick In The Face For a Waffle Taco?
Would You Punch a Chick In The Face For a Waffle Taco?
Would You Punch a Chick In The Face For a Waffle Taco?
A Guy Attacked a Woman Because She Took Too Long Ordering at Taco Bell and made him miss the breakfast menu! There's nothing worse than JUST missing the cutoff for breakfast at a fast food place.  But THIS is INSANE. On Sunday, a couple driving an SUV went to a Taco Bell drive-thru in Tucson RIGHT before breakfast ended...
Taco Bell Unleashes a Breakfast Menu and The Two Hawk Fat Guys Give It a Review
Taco Bell Unleashes a Breakfast Menu and The Two Hawk Fat Guys Give It a Review
Taco Bell Unleashes a Breakfast Menu and The Two Hawk Fat Guys Give It a Review
Today, March 27th Taco Bell embarked on a bold new strategy. They introduced a brand new breakfast menu to their fast food stores. Taco Bell's new breakfast menu inspired myself and Rick Roddam to ask the question, "Do these new breakfast items live up to the standards of a couple fat dudes who love food?" Check out our newest video for the answer, and welcome to our newest web series &q
Taco Bell’s New Cantina Double Steak Quesadilla  Doesn’t  Live Up to Advertised Expectations
Taco Bell’s New Cantina Double Steak Quesadilla Doesn’t Live Up to Advertised Expectations
Taco Bell’s New Cantina Double Steak Quesadilla Doesn’t Live Up to Advertised Expectations
I'm ashamed to admit this but, I went to Taco Bell sober. And it's true what they say about the difference between Taco Bell late at night when you're tuned up and sober Taco Bell. We are talking a night and day difference, which it turns out is the same tragic reality of Taco Bell's marketing of their products versus what they actually deliver.

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