Top 10 Tips From A 90 Year Old For Billings Residents
At the ripe old age of 30 (or so I have been called by Gen Z), I've seen a lot in my time. Not much of it I choose to remember, but some things just... stick.
While browsing the net, I came across an article about Regina Brett from back in 2020. Regina, on her 45th birthday after being diagnosed with breast cancer, wrote down 50 life lessons... and turned them into a book. That book, God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons For Life's Little Detours, has spawned an urban legend of sorts... in the form of 90-year-old Regina Brett.
Regina isn't 90. She's 66.
So... yes. Maybe she isn't actually 90. But the life advice she gave in that book has gone viral year after year, for how accurate it is. Plus, the urban legend simply won't fizzle out. In reading these, I wanted to pick my Top 10 and share them with you... as maybe, just maybe, they will make YOUR life better too.