When Family Christmas Requires a Spreadsheet
Because of how big and crazy our various families are, it gets pretty tough when it comes to coordinating the schedules of everyone to get together. With ex's, step kids, real kids, work, whatever, it's a nightmare. We finally picked a day a couple of weeks ago for my side of the family and we are having family Christmas this weekend in Bozeman. Earlier this week, I just about spit out my coffee when my little sister sent me a link to a spreadsheet she created for Christmas.
Really? A freakin' shared Google spreadsheet for Christmas? She wants all of us siblings (there are five of us) and family members to put down what item we are planning to bring for Christmas dinner. While I appreciate her enthusiasm, the spreadsheet is still basically empty (two days out from our Christmas dinner). The only cells filled out are what her and my mom are making for Christmas dinner and the box where I added our contribution. Neither of my two brothers bothered to fill out the spreadsheet. Oh no! How will dinner ever happen properly? I think we'll be okay. Let's hope she doesn't come up with another spreadsheet for the gift exchange.