In case you weren't aware, last night we had a Blue Moon! I found out about 9:30 last night and rushed outside to see it.  Wow, it was beautiful!  And did you know that this moon was a bit more special than the rest?  Why you may ask?  Well continue reading to find out why!

This month's full moon, which rises on Tuesday (Aug. 20), is not just a Blue Moon — it's also the Full Sturgeon Moon, the Full Red Moon, the Green Corn Moon and the Grain Moon.


Apparently the Full Sturgeon Moon is called such as it is the month in which it is the easiest to catch Sturgeon.  Who would of thunk, huh? Now the "Red Full Moon" name you should be able to figure out.  Weather conditions this time of year can often make it look, well, red.  Ha! I act like I knew that, but I really didn't.

Now the "Green Corn Moon" and the "Grain Moon"  are named this, because a lot of the crops grow pretty tall this time of year.  Easy peasy, right?  Well, I didn't know that one either.  I was lucky to know that it was a "Blue Moon" at all last night.  Thank goodness for social media a.k.a. "Facebook".

The next Blue Moon won't happen again until 2015.  I guess that's why they use the old adage "Once in a Blue Moon".  Man, I am full of humor this morning!

Did you get any cool pics of last nights moon?  The pictures I took weren't very good.  Share yours in the comments below!

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