Downtown Billings Preparing For 19th HarvestFest Celebration
Returning to Downtown Billings this October for the 19th time, the annual HarvestFest will light up the streets of Billings under Skypoint with a plethora of festivities!
What Can We Expect?
HarvestFest is welcoming over 100 vendors this year from arts & crafts to an Oktoberfest Beer Garden, baked goodies, and a bunch of family-friendly activities!

Our local nonprofits will be out in full force during HarvestFest this year, too! You'll find the Billings Heights Lions Club serving Walking Tacos in the 29th Street Alley.
The Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools raffling off a Chevy SUV.
Valley Credit Union is sponsoring the two Hi-Strikers at Skypoint to help our Business Improvement District in raising money for public art & downtown beautification projects.
And, all HarvestFest attendees are encouraged to stop by the Yellowstone Valley Boys & Girls Ranch booth to see their custom creative scarecrows for their 3rd annual Yellowstone Valley Boys & Girls Ranch Upcycled Scarecrow Contest... where you can vote on the best!
If you are a family with young kids, the Wise Wonders Science & Discover Museum will have their Kids Zone available for kid-friendly FREE activities while supplies last.
What entertainment will be available?
This year, they've got a fantastic and eclectic lineup of entertainment for you to enjoy!
- 11 AM - Dancers from Greater Heights School of Dance
- 12 Noon - Magic City Montana Witch Dancers
- 1 PM - Big Sky Chorus
- 2 PM - Musician and Performing Artist Juliette Angleo
When and how much is it?
HarvestFest returns to Billings on October 14th, Saturday, from 9 AM to 4 PM under Skypoint in Downtown Billings.
What are your thoughts?
Do you take part in HarvestFest yearly? What is your favorite part? Let us know on App Chat or on Facebook.
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