What’s Left on Your Bucket List?
At the end of your life, do you wonder, what could I have done? Go on a cruise, fly away to a great place, or just play baseball with the kids. I stopped and took this picture with one of my many daughters over the weekend. It made me think that this is what is important. Do I make $250,000 a year? No. Do I have this and that? No. Did I have a roof over my head, a safe place for my kids? Yes! We played baseball/softball, football, and we like music. I taught them how to drive, fence, how to take care of dogs in the country and lead a Christian life. I know that life is short in the big scheme of things. Enjoy family, talk to friends, and enjoy a sunset and a burger every now and then. Like me, you could be in the twilight of your life, but...you could be at the beginning before it ends for your kids, so take advantage. Talk to your kids and teach and enjoy and LIVE!
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