Cost? Family, Education or Life?
What is the cost? My oldest daughter in this picture is now married, a college graduate, teacher and a mom to be. My second daughter in the picture is a college graduate and will be married in two weeks. The cost of education is expensive. But more important is the lives that they carve out for themselves. I often have wondered as most parents do, how these little ankle biters become stellar adults and models in our society.
My son is doing the same. He graduated as well and is now looking to join the National Guard. My youngest is entering ninth grade tomorrow. Is it really a monetary cost for education? Or is it more of taking time to read books to them when they are little? Is it more of putting them on a traveling softball/baseball team or just going to the park and playing catch and coaching their team for a few weeks? Sometimes we have to step back. We have done all we can for the ankle biters. Enjoy their successes and look from the outside and just smile.
It didn't matter about the cost, the education but about life. The hard thing for many parents is to let go. As I told one of my daughters when she was young and dreamed of moving to New York, I said, "Go". Living life is the most important part of living life. Sure, it cost money, you have an education now, we are still family, now go! Have a life. (just answer your phone sometimes)
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