Even lawyers use Craigslist to advertise job openings. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with that. Unless the position involves sexual favors.

As Illinois immigration lawyer Samir Zia Chowhan found out, searching for a “sex-retary” can get an attorney suspended for a year. Chowhan posted an ad for a secretary/legal assistant in the “Adult” section of Craigslist and asked respondents to send a “current resume and a few pictures along with a description of physical features, including measurements.”

Chowhan posted the ad in 2009 and a curious and jobless woman named Debbi responded, not being entirely sure what the job would entail, or if she was qualified.

She learned more when she received a reply from Chowhan that included this information:

As this is posted in the “adult gigs” section, in addition to the legal work, you would be required to have sexual interaction with me and my partner, sometimes together sometimes separate. This part of the job would require sexy dressing and flirtatious interaction with me and my partner, as well as sexual interaction. You will have to be comfortable doing this with us.

Chowhan ended the reply by letting Debbi know that since they have had trouble with employee retention in the past, they would require applicants to “perform for us sexually” as part of the interview process. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission got wind of this hiring process, and Chowhan was suspended from practicing law.

The good news is that in less than a year, Chowhan will be back at work and in need of services once again, so we know there will be a position at the firm to fill very soon. Lawyers needs help with their briefs, especially when they handle very large firms. Yup, we are also shocked at how many legal terms sound sexual.

[Via Gawker]

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