Montanans List Favorite Easter Candy. Did Yours Make The List?
This is a tough one.
I mean, seriously, it's like being a parent and someone asking you to pick your favorite kid. I mean, sure, if you only have one child, it's easy, but not if you have more than one. This Sunday we will celebrate Easter and one of the time-honored traditions of the Holiday is the Easter Basket.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure how a bunny and a basket full of candy became part of the day that we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, but who am I to question tradition? Plus, I have a sweet tooth, so it kind of works out in my favor.
For me, it's a hard choice. I love candy of all kinds, so to pick just one, well that is a tall order. I mean, do you go with the traditional Easter candy? Chocolate Bunny? Jelly Beans? I'll be honest, I'm not sure that I can make a clear-cut choice on this.
Luckily, it wasn't as hard for other folks.
When we take a look at Montana's favorite Easter candy, according to tasteofhome.com, the winner is...the Cadbury Easter Creme Egg. In fact, according to the data, that isn't just the most popular Easter candy in Montana, it's the most popular Easter candy in the western half of the United States.
So what did the people have to say?
We received an overwhelming response and as you could probably predict, folks had a whole lot of different answers. Let's take a look at some of the top vote-getters.
I think it's a fair statement to say that you're either a Peeps fan or you're not. I'm not in the "love" category. However, there are folks in my own family that can't get enough of them. I've never been a hardcore fan, but millions of people are, so Peeps officially makes the list of one of Montana's Favorite Easter Candies.
Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs
This isn't really shocking, is it? I mean, for years folks have said that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are their favorite Halloween candy, so Reese's, like any smart business said "Hey, what if we take that cup, make it bigger, and shape it like an egg?" Brilliant! Plus, peanut butter and chocolate go together so well. Reese's is officially on the list of Montana's Favorite Easter Candies.
Cadbury Eggs
As mentioned above, Cadbury Creme Eggs ranks number one in Montana according to tasteofhome.com, however, there are multiple "eggs" to choose from. There is the traditional Cadbury Creme Egg, the Cadbury Caramel Egg (my favorite), and the Cadbury Chocolate Egg. Plus, there's the Cadbury Mini Eggs and a whole lot of people voted those as their favorite. I don't know about you, but a bag of those doesn't last very long in our house and usually ends up with us having a stomachache for eating too many in one sitting. Cadbury Eggs are officially on the list of Montana's Favorite Easter Candies.
Jelly Beans
Jelly Beans are just happy, right? I mean, you have all of these different brands and all of these different flavors. Of course, you can mix and match the flavors and create something unique and different. Personally, I love jelly beans and I'm not the only one. as several Montanans voted jelly beans as their favorite Easter candy. From Starburst to Jelly Belly, jelly beans are definitely on the list of Montana's Favorite Easter Candies.
Malted Chocolate Eggs
Malted Chocolate Easter Eggs have been around for a long time and certainly are a classic Easter candy. There are a few different brands out, but "Whoopers Robin's Eggs" seem to be the most popular. However, whatever your brand, this Easter treat doesn't seem to lose popularity with folks. Malted Chocolate Easter Eggs make Montana's Favorite Easter Candies.
There you have it, the Top 5 according to you. Of course, there were a whole lot of other candies that received votes. Solid chocolate Easter Bunnies, M&Ms, and chocolate-covered marshmallows just to name a few.
Did your favorite make the list? If not, what is your favorite? Let us know and Happy Easter!
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