Phil Rudd Gets Feisty at First Court Appearance
Phil Rudd's day in court yesterday started with an arrest warrant and nearly ended with a car accident. Things were pretty interesting in between, too.
As previously reported, Rudd missed his 9AM court appointment, prompting the judge to issue a warrant for his arrest; fortunately, the AC/DC drummer still had a half hour before it was scheduled to take effect, and managed to get himself to the building before things got too far out of hand. (Or even further out of hand, really, given the extensive prison time Rudd's facing.)
The Guardian reports that Rudd wasn't finished broaching court decorum for the day. After appearing before the judge for a brief hearing, in which he offered no plea to charges of threatening to kill a man and methamphetamine and cannabis possession, and was informed that his case would be heard in district court, Rudd reportedly jumped on his security guard's back, offered some rude hand gestures to photographers and narrowly avoided colliding with a truck after reversing his car into its path.
Rudd is supposed to appear before a judge again on Dec. 2, the same day AC/DC's 'Rock or Bust' album is scheduled to arrive in stores -- meaning that if he somehow manages to get his charges dropped, both he and the band will be celebrating very different types of release parties.
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