Governor Bullock Declares Easter Bunny Essential Service
Easter is going to be a little different this year for most of us. The only church service you'll be able to attend will have to be virtual. Going to your parents or grandparents or friends house for ham or prime rib won't be happening either if you are following social distancing guidelines. Easter Brunch at one of Billings fantastic restaurants will have to wait till next year as well.
There was a moment of brighter news for Montana today (4/9) when Governor Steve Bullock shared a Facebook post with a declaration that establishes the Easter Bunny as essential service. Not just the Easter Bunny, but also the Tooth Fairy, "friendly dragons" and other mythical creatures. From the press release:
Other magical entities, including but not limited to elves, unicorns, and friendly dragons, are also considered essential workers, provided they maintain a comfortable six-foot distance. Visits to homes for magical purposes is essential travel.
The declaration laid out these additional guidelines:
- Magical entities, including but not limited to the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, may freely travel into and through Montana to perform services essential to Montanans.
- Magical entities must leave behind a gift - for example, eggs, chocolates, or the fair market value of a baby tooth - at every home they visit, and must follow social distancing guidelines.
While the kids won't be able to participate in any of those insane Easter Egg hunts this year, at least the Bunny can get his job done. Socially distanced, of course.
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