Idiots in Yellowstone Park Get Jail Time for Trespassing on Old Faithful
Last fall, Eric Schefflin, 20, of Lakewood, Colorado, and Ryan Goetz. 25, of Woodstock, New York, thought it would be a good idea to walk off of the trails around Old Faithful. Which pretty much everyone knows is not only illegal, but also extremely dangerous and can harm the fragile cone system of the geyser.
This week, park officials announced that both men plead guilty on December 5th in Mammoth Hot Springs. They each got 10 days of jail, $540 fines and will be on unsupervised probation for 5 years. Boom! Just like that, two tourists became felons for life. Nice. I hope YNP continues to prosecute individuals who blatantly disregard posted laws in our National Parks.
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