Round 2 Great Potato Giveaway – SATURDAY 5/16
Last weekend, we teamed up with Matt Foth of Foth Farms, a potato grower near Toston, MT for "the Great Potato Giveaway" and over 29,000 pounds of potatoes were given out at Metrapark. The response was overwhelming, with all of the free potatoes being collected in less than an hour.
This weekend we are doing it again with twice the amount of free potatoes! This time around, Matt Foth will be bringing 60,000+ pounds of spuds with their company truck.
To prevent early pick-up this time around, the truck is scheduled to arrive at 10 AM on Saturday 5/16 at the Upper Parking lot of Metrapark.
We are strongly urging you to PLEASE RESPECT SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES as outlined by State and County health officials. You will largely be self-regulated. Please try to maintain a 6-foot distance from people who are not a member of your household. In addition:
- The truck is scheduled to arrive at approximately 10 AM on Saturday 5/16 at the Upper Parking lot of MetraPark.
- The free potatoes will be laid out in a long line. Please do not crowd others at the pile.
- There is plenty of parking to park away from other vehicles if you choose.
- 15 pounds of potatoes should comfortably feed 20 people, says Leaf.tv
- Bags and boxes WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. Please bring your own. Potatoes are fairly heavy so be careful loading large, flimsy boxes.
- You can take as many as you would like.
- Please don't take more than you need.
- Drive slowly in the parking lot and be alert for pedestrian traffic.
- 60,000+ pounds of potatoes is a lot, but we do expect them to go fairly quickly again. They are first-come, first-served WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.
- These potatoes are great for baking, mashing, frying, etc. and can also be used as seed potatoes in your garden.
- We will be active on our social media page(s) during this event so feel free to ask before driving to the location if you have any specific questions. We'll update our post(s) when the potatoes are gone.
- A donation jar is available to help defray fuel and labor costs incurred by Foth Farms to deliver the free potatoes.
Again, we urge you to be courteous and respectful regarding social distancing. Thank you so much.
About Foth Farms
Matt Foth is a potato grower near Toston, MT. They specialize in seed potatoes which are primarily sold to other potato growers in Idaho, Washington and North Dakota. In turn, they grow and sell the potatoes to big potato processors that make the raw potatoes into fast-food french fries, tater tots, hash browns, potato flakes, etc. When the coronavirus first started spreading around the US back in early March they figured the food supply was going to be immune to price drops and supply issues. However, as national orders for potatoes began to plummet they were suddenly facing thousands of pounds of unsold potatoes. Rather than dump them or feed them to cattle, Foth Farms offered to donate the spuds. Foth hopes the general public becomes more aware of how the food supply chain operates and encourages Montanans to support their local ag industry.
Thanks, Q2, for the news coverage of last weekend's giveaway, watch HERE.

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