Why I Am So Anti-Valentine’s Day
Oh goody. Here come's Valentine's Day. Can you feel my enthusiasm? Probably not. I'm not a big fan of it. So, if you dislike Valentine's Day as well, don't worry. You are not alone!
I haven't always been this way. But in a way, I guess, I have. Confusing right? I can remember being excited in elementary school for Valentine's Day. Mostly because we got to eat candy during the school day.
But there was always a little bit of apprehension too. For example: Did I get the right Valentine's Day cards? Did I remember everyone? Will "So and so" know that his is more special than the others? Will I get any cards? From who?
Ugh! The pressure! Needless to say, it stressed me out. Then as a teen, it was all excitement when I had a boyfriend and depression when I didn't. But that's normal for a teen isn't it?
Then as an adult. Oh boy, here we go. Needless to say, I had a bad experience or two. One time, in particular, comes to mind. I was in a relationship and it of course, it happened to be the big "V-Day". I really didn't have high hopes of it being a big deal. I was 100% right.
I went to work without an "I love you" or "Happy Valentine's Day" or even "Have a good day". I was a bit bummed. I thought that maybe he would surprise me during the day and that was the plan. Wrong, wrong, wrong. No phone calls, no flowers, no nothing.
I felt pretty low by the time I got home that night. I had one sliver of hope left. When I walked through the door though, they were pretty much dashed to pieces. He informed me that he had gotten hungry and went ahead and cooked dinner(seems like this would be a good thing, right?). Nope. He then told me that he went ahead and ate, but did leave me some food in the microwave, if I was interested.
I tried not to jump to any conclusions, but this didn't seem to be going good. Not at all. As I went to the kitchen, I saw it. There it was. On the table. Flowers and a heart shaped box. My heart raced a bit, I almost smiled. I knew it, I knew he wouldn't just blow me off. Wrong. Again.
As I got closer, I noticed that the flowers were in really bad shape. Like dead, dead. But, I still held out on complete disappointment. There was still the heart shaped box. As I picked it up, I noticed something strange about it. Where was the plastic wrapping on it? Hmmm. I opened the box. I stared. It took me minute to realize what I was looking at. Do you know what it was?
A half eaten box of crap chocolate! I turned to stare at him. He just smiled and said that he was still hungry, and so...he ate it. I will admit it . I threw a bit of a tantrum. It was the most awful Valentine's Day I had ever! Needless to say(again), that this relationship was doomed. I mean, come on, who does that kind of crap?
I think you should tell the people you love, that you love them, all of the time, all year long. It shouldn't be focused on holiday. If it is, then I hate to say it, but you've got some problems heading your way.
Now, I'm not saying that I haven't had good Valentine's Day's. Because I have. I've even had more good ones than bad. My oldest son was born on February 14th and I love him to pieces. He's the one redeeming quality of that day, in my mind. I'm just a bit...jaded in this area. Pathetic, right? Oh well.
Anyways. Now you know why I am the way I am. I know I'm not the only out there that has experienced this kind of horror story of a day. If you care to, share your Valentine's Day horror stories below.