SOS! Billings Elderly Want Your Letters
Billings Public Library is promoting a fantastic idea called Send Our Seniors Mail. We're now five months into COVID-19 and one of the demographics that have been most impacted has been our elderly residents in nursing homes. You think you're inconvenienced by wearing a mask at the grocery store? Imagine being isolated from your family, with no visits or extremely limited visitation. My sister-in-law has shared stories of having to visit her "mum" from outside her assisted living facility window. Top that off with a very real threat of COVID-19 ravaging the nursing home (as we've seen in Billings and around the state) and you can imagine how depressing an average day at an extended living facility must be during this pandemic.
I'm thankful that my grandma (seen in the picture) hasn't been admitted to a home yet. She's a strong, stubborn, midwestern farm woman and "refuses" to go. Even though she probably should be in a home soon. Regardless, she LOVES getting cards on her birthday, and letters in general.
Older folks from that generation truly appreciate a letter, preferably handwritten. I'm sure they'd be happy with a note you've typed and printed from your computer, but you have to admit it loses some impact. Think about it... in your stack of daily junk mail, when you see a handwritten envelope, do you open it first? I'll wager you do.
Billings Public Library has a list of eleven of our local nursing homes and addresses HERE. They're encouraging kids (and adults) to write a note, make a card or color a picture and send it to a senior. The library has free coloring pages available at the kids' desk and you can also drop off any of your letters or creations at the library and save on postage if you'd like. I love this idea and plan on writing a letter or two this week.

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